Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Discordian Fractalia

Imagine an empty box. A big empty box. The biggest empty box. And not just empty, but completely void of any substance. A giant completely empty box. What is your viewpoint of this box? Are you outside of it? Are you right in the middle? Standing at one corner facing toward the middle or the top? Is there a top, a bottom, sides at all?

What properties can you give the inside of this giant empty box? Does time move forward while you are in the box? Can you even see the sides if it's completely empty? Can anything really exist in it at all? Do you automatically assume that this box has 6 sides? Can it have 2 sides, one at some arbitrary beginning and one at some arbitrary end? No matter how big a box you can imagine, there is always going to be a bigger box you can imagine. You need to think of a blank slate of space with no sides and no dimensional limits that can store anything imaginable - or unimaginable. That is the blank slate we will start with today to describe Discordian Fractalia.

Inside this giant blank space we need to introduce energy. Energy is some unincorporated force that changes the location of one thing in some direction over some period of time. The more time you give to energy, the more the physical can be moved by it - as long as the amount of energy remains constant. Fortunately for our box (and mental exercise) once energy is introduced, it can not be removed.

How much energy can you imagine all at once? What if there was so much energy all at once, anything placed inside the box could move from the starting point to the ending point in the smallest possible time step imaginable. But you could imagine a smaller timestep, now couldn't you, or a greater force still! We need to come up with this one limit, from the starting location of the box to the end location of the box in the shortest amount of time, and we shall name it "c". That is one measurement that shall never change, that we can refer to at any point.

Unfortunately, we can imagine more energy. We are in a sticky situation. How can we give our beam of energy MORE energy but still live within the boundaries of "c"? What if we moved in a spiral from the start of the box to the end of the box? We could then increase the amount of energy, move a greater distance to get from start to finish, and store more energy in this beam. It would be like a spinning top moving from the start location to the end, where standing on the outside edge of the top would move more than the center to get from A to B.

But, eventually, we could increase the amount of energy in this beam such that our top was as big around as the distance from A to B. For every location along the path, we would have energy to move the top another A to B along another dimension. Still got this all in your head? We shall call this amount of energy "c²".

If we increase the amount of energy even more, we would have to tunnel backwards or forwards in time! This is an actual thing in the real world, outside of your imagination here from the last few paragraphs. Einstein didn't just pull the equation E = mc² out of thin air; he was able to understand that matter itself is just beams of energy tunnelling through both dimensions such that particles themselves were 3-dimensional. Because matter is tunneling in both dimensions at once, it has to warp time and space as well. This property means that any two pieces of matter in our box will converge over time. This amazing rule is simply called "gravity".

Where did this energy come from? And if you look into the night sky, you see hundreds of trillions of billions of stars that contain hundreds of billions of trillions of particles a piece! But, you need to stop and understand the implications of what is happening with the chemical processes in your brain. You aren't "seeing" the stars. Your retina is picking up light waves that bounce off these objects in different tunneled locations in the giant box; the light waves (photons) themselves are just beams of c-speed energy going from one tunneled 3D energy point to another. In our completely blank box, if the most intense energy was dropped into the box, it would not be able to support such speed all at once. The beams would cap out at c², separating into a billion trillion quadrillion individual 3D points; the Big Bang. I'm not trying to say that electrons or quarks are these 3D points of spinning tunneling energy, but that they are constructed from the 3D points themselves. After a few nanoseconds of the explosion of this energy into our void, they combined to form all of these quarks, protons, atoms, and elements.

There was no order to this explosion. It went in every direction in 3-space instantaneously. We now are observing it billions of years later - where it has expanded and contracted in places and spaces near and far, large and small, creating amazing patterns and clouds and galaxies and nebulae. In the center of stars, under the most intense pressure, these individual atoms (which we have named Hydrogen) fuse together over and over, giving off "c" amount of energy each time and creating larger and larger atoms and elements. For each individual beam of energy, it simply bounces off other energy when it comes in contact to it - for all it knows, it's still on the straight path between A and B in the giant empty box (this is why you can't put your hand straight through something).

Chaos of the bouncing of elements and chaos of fusing of elements is without order; it is discord. However, because there are still underlying rules to the way things combine, based on the properties of time, the length of "c", etc, we get large patterns in the chaos. Chaos breeds some rules, rules breed some order, outside of this order falls chaos. Because of this principle and patterns, we have fractals. Fractals are the equilibrium for which chaos resonates.

We live in a world governed by Discordian Fractalia. Everything you see and understand came from these principals. DF is used to understand evolution, it makes sense of astronomy, it succinctly describes chemistry and physics, which is the basis for biology and human life. All it took was one simple rule - the length of "c" - and we have clouds with the colors of a beautiful sunset.

Do not thank a higher power for the world we live in, for it is the natural order of the universe, our big blank empty box. As you read other posts on this blog, remember that the authors have come to fully appreciate Discordian Fractalia and its implications on every facet of matter in the world.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Introduction to State Change

We tend to live our lives with a sense of certainty. Every waking moment and every gasping breath has some significance to us as beings.

State Change is essentially an experiment. It's definitely an experiment for the authors, for me personally, for the exciting world of fast-paced philosophical blogging. Instead of taking sides on an issue, my purpose is to decipher why issues have sides, how people are drawn to taking those sides from internal and external forces, and try to come up with some rational argument for or against something based on evidence presented.

I am a left-brained writer with a logical imagination. My world is personally divided into subchunks of reality; everything I read and hear has to go through specific channels to decipher its validity. I hope that after you read a few of the posts on this site, you will be able to do the same yourself. There are very obvious topics that this can and will cover, like religion or politics, and some very different ones that may not be so obvious, like mathematics and fractal theory, evolution, social order, sports, or even world culture.

Today was a good day for this to start. At 8:06am, I sat calmly on a tall black stool sipping freshly brewed coffee. It was a rather ordinary day. But, as consciousness would have it, I wasn't so much consciously drinking my coffee. Had I been drinking anything consciously ever in my life? People drink things for all sorts of different reasons, and they usually never read blogs about drinking or conscious or subconscious drinking habits. This morning it was different. I was taking a drink of my coffee whenever a certain time period had passed, it was the time it took for my mouth to cool down from the previous drink; for the time when the taste of the sugar and the cream completely left my mouth. We live a life of subconsciousness well beyond the world of consciousness we wish we lived. It was the first time in my life I really took a long drink and thought about why I was taking a long drink.

My wife and I purchased a new set of dressers for our bedroom the night before this drinking occurred. My mind can never take things at face value anymore, everything has a context for different species, different levels, different worlds. It's as though the entire universe is a large fractal and whatever parts we indulge as humans has a component for these other species, levels, and worlds. I like to think of buying new dressers like looking at a beehive; little convenient locations in my domicile to conveniently store little things. I like to think that aliens on other planets have dressers, at least however they store things, and maybe they have to consciously or subconsciously collect the dressers with their own mating partners as well.

I will write a post about aliens in the future, so try not to discredit everything I already wrote because you disagree with something like that.

I am contributing to this blog because it is extremely important for self-aware matter to understand its consciousness and subconsciousness. I personally do not have all of the answers to life's little mysteries, but this blog may be a catalyst for something greater. If you feel like commenting on one of the posts, do so with open eyes and open ears, do so knowing that you may have to challenge one of your assumptions in order to fully understand and appreciate the world around you.